So this has been a really big month for me and I have been doing and learning all sorts of new things. So much that grandma hardly knows where to begin. Well I am definitely trying more to talk! one day only 2 weeks ago, Daddy and I were at home and I started saying dada dada, dada.. Daddy was so excited and kept saying are you saying "daddy". I was, but after I fell over backwards , that was the end of that. Now am practicing new things to say, and sometimes I am pretty loudly vocal. It won't be long though until I am saying dada again though.
I still have not gotten a new tooth, but believe you me, I am putting everything I can get my hands on in to my mouth and am sawing away on what ever gets in to my mouth. Grandma is really betting that one day soon a little tooth will pop up and surprise everyone. |
I am really getting around on the floor pretty good. Right now, I am mostly rolling from one place to the other, but just recently, I have figured out how to get up on my hands and knees, especially when there is something that I want to get to in a hurry. Every once in a while, I try to lunge forward and am pretty good at landing on my face, but I am working hard to learn how to crawl. |
I am even trying to stand up on my tippy toes. I do like Maggie, and she stays pretty close to me when I am at grandma's house. She makes me giggle and giggle, and I think that she is so funny. |
Maggie has been bringing me her blanket, and is so hoping that I am going to learn to play tug of war with her. |
Maggie knows that she makes me laugh when she tugs at the blanket, and she can get a laugh out of me every time that she does that. A really big belly laugh ! |
I was trying really hard to climb over mommy's leg, but as you can see, things didn't work quite like I thought they would. |
Mommy and Daddy have been giving me all sorts of yummy new foods to try out, and I really like trying new things. Well one day, when I first tried out bananas, I didn't like the flavor at all, but most of the things mommy gets me, I really like, and am sitting up all by myself and eating very well.s When I went to the dr for my check up, I was already up to 17 lbs 1 ounce. My Dr said that I was doing very well! |
Every day my hair is getting a little bit blonder, and guess what mommy, my eyes are still blue.... but you never know. |
Mommy has also gotten me an new tommy tippee cup, and I have been trying out some new things to drink that I have never had before. Some water, and also a little bit of juices. I am doing very well with trying out my new cup. I am also enjoying playing with my toys, and I do have a lot of them. I especially like the ones that I can get in my mouth. I am trying very hard to pick up things between my thumb and forefinger, and mommy has gotten me some little puffs that are fun to pick up and put in my mouth for a snack. Every day I am getting better at actually getting them in to my mouth too. |