Dear little Gen! This is a note form your mommy not too long before your were born. Grandma is a little bit slow getting this in to your first year blog, but here it is NOW. I know that your mommy is very happy to have you now in her arms instead of her tummy!
These photos of your mommy were taken in October, just a few weeks before you were born. It was a beautiful fall day outside and we wanted to be sure to get some photos of you before you were born. Your mommy has been going to the DR every single week as they are making sure that you are growing just like they want you to do, and that everything is going well. You sure do alot of kicking, and also have the hiccups all of the time. That is such a funny thing to feel when you are going to have a new baby.
My Sweet Girl, Sitting here and waiting the last weeks for you, there are no words to tell you adequately what a gift your are to us! A gift we never truly believed we would have given to us!There were a couple of scares early on, but you must truly be meant to be here. from the moment we could we listened every day to your little heart beating strongly reassuring us that you were on the way, and real, then feeling your movements inside of me, for all the discomfort it sometimes caused, gave gives me such a sense of peace, knowing you are strong and healthy and ready to come and meet us. I cannot tell you how much i look forward to looking in to your eyes, seeing you smile, and being able to rock and comfort you when you cry. I am sure I will not always be the most perfect mother, or the most patient person I would like to be, but I do promise to strive every day to make sure you know how very loved and treasured you are, and will never lose site of how very lucky we are to have you and to be a family. All my love, Your mommy |

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