WELL today, April 5th, is my first EASTER . The Easter bunny has left me some great little presents even though I am still too little to hunt for Easter eggs, but next year, I will be starting to get the hang of that, and who knows, maybe , with a little bit of help, I will even be able to find the GOLDEN EGG. Grammy has gotten me a special easter basket that she is going to decorate for me for next year. My Daddy took me out to Aunt Heather and Uncle Steves house for Easter dinner as mommy had to work today, but we still had so much fun. It is very easy for everyone to see how very much my Daddy loves me, and of course we really look alike. Everyone notices that! How much fun it is to look like my Daddy! I had lots of fun at Aunty Heathers and everyone thought that I looked so cute and wanted to hold me and give me kisses and hugs. A girl needs a clone almost......
Still i got to spend some fun time with my Daddy and we had so much fun together!
We look so much alike that Grammy says my name should have been CHARLIEN. Well instead I am Genevieve Grace. I am thinking though that I am going to have a lot of knick names... VIVI , GIGI, GEN, and who knows, maybe grammy may even call me SUZY. Mostly though, call me cute! |
Daddy and me having a little play time! |
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