Friday, September 18, 2015


So today, something very interesting happened. Today, September 18th, 2015, my mommy went to get a haircut at Salon Espirit. Grammy also went along to help watch me, and after Grammy and I went to the grocery on an errand, I came back to the Salon to see how mommies hair was coming along.
I was sitting so still and watching how mommies hair was doing, when all of a sudden, someone noticed that my hair had grown a little and some tiny blond bangs were hanging down in my eyes, so all of a sudden, I was the center of attention.

Miss Yen offered to trim my little bangs and oops, here I am getting a tiny hair trimming.... my very first!

My mommy even helped me hold my head still and all of a sudden, I had a little bit of bangs. Grandma insisted on saving the hair, and she got a piece of foil and put those tiny blond hairs in the foil to save them. Miss Yen was very nice and thought I was the cutest little girl ever! What a fun " girls day out"!


Another very busy month for a very special little girl.  I  am crawling all over the house and really like crawling back to my room and seeing my toys, and having a little play time. Mommy can hear me crawling and can tell where I am by hearing the sounds. Here I am in my tutu pajamas that grandma got for me. Could anyone possible be cuter

Got my second two new teeth on the  top this month and am enjoying seeing how they work with eating all sorts of new table foods. I like my table foods so much that mommy gave away all of my baby foods. I am done with that and have now graduated to all "big girl" table foods.

I have been learning how much fun it is when I do something new and ever one claps and says YEAH GENNA!  I think that is so fun that I am learning to clap for myself when I do something new or that I am proud of.

Look mommy at what a smart little girl I am.  I do love snuggling with my mommy too. Nothing better  than these snuggles!

I spend lots of time walking around the furniture, and even like trying t o put my foot up on something to  climb a little higher. Mommy and
Daddy think I am going to be a real climber.

I do love mealtime and mommy cooks good things for me every day. I am trying out all sorts of new vegetables and fruits, and even ravioli.

No problems getting every bit right in to my mouth

I am even liking to try getting food in to my mouth with the spoon. Not too much luck yet but am definitely practicing.

My mommy and daddy got me a little walking cart and I am so proud of my self walking behind it. Can easily walk across the room with it. Won't be long until I am able to walk with out the help.
When my grandpa comes over,he likes to help me do new things, and is helping me here with my new walker. He is so proud of me!

Mommy and Daddy bought me my first little chair and it is just the right size for me! I am growing so fast and am the sweetest little girl ever. Fast approaching my very first birthday!